ADHD Counselling


Green Line

What is ADHD / ADD?

Please watch this video for a quick introduction to this type of Mental Health Condition.

A School Toolkit
for Parents about ADHD


Adult ADHD is more common than you think.

However, a person is typically only diagnosed once the symptoms have become severe enough to impact their wellbeing in multiple areas of life like Education, Employment, Relationships, Physical Health and etc.

Looking for ADHD strategies and treatments?

If you have arrived on this page, the chances are high that you or someone you know is struggling in some way with a combination of symptoms related to adult ADHD. 

A Professional ADHD Coach may be the answer!

ADHD coaching for adults includes behavioral therapy, counselling, and coaching to address each symptom and overcome the problems that arise. We start with an assessment of your executive functioning. This will highlight your strengths and areas of challenge. We use proven methods to break down personal barriers, and personalized strategies designed for your brain and your life!


Families living with ADHD

Sometimes struggle to balance the needs (and challenges) of children and parents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with those of neurotypical siblings, parents, grandparents, and other relatives who may not understand ADHD symptoms.

We provide support to parents navigating the diagnoses, making decisions about treatment, advocating with the school system and finding parenting techniques that work for the family (using evidence based strategies). 

We also provide counselling for children who are struggling with ADHD symptoms.  

Children With ADHD Often

Appear not to listen to what is being said

Fail to finish assigned tasks

Lost things, especially those things needed to complete tasks

Can’t concentrate as well as other children

Are easily distracted

Have problems working without supervision

Require more redirection

The shift from one uncompleted activity to another

Can’t recall what they were told to do or should be doing in a given situation (Barkey, 2021)

Problems with Inhibition

Interrupt or intrude on others and what the others are doing

Talk excessively, often speaking or acting out of turn

Don’t think about what they are doing before they do it, acting too quickly on impulse

Have difficulty waiting for things and postponing self-gratification

Display their emotions quickly, too strongly

Have difficulty anticipating the consequence of risky behaviour


Green Line

Improve emotion regulation

Increase focus and attention

Learn time management and organizational skills

Enhance motivation and productivity

Cope with stress more effectively

Change negative self-talk and self-destructive behaviors

Target symptoms of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem